Wednesday 26 June 2013

Regus Networking Event

I have just started networking for my business Blue Dot Media. I went to my second free networking event at Regus Cardiff Gate East which takes place 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month and it was full of great businesses. I made some new contacts and got great advice from a wide range of experienced businesses.

I am going to my next event on Thursday at Cardiff City Stadium and I am looking forward to meeting new businesses and checking out the exhibitors stands.

Regus Cardiff Gate East
If you would like to attend a free networking group in Cardiff visit this link

Friday 17 May 2013

Video Marketing
Video Production
Corporate Videos
Videos from Photos

Video production/marketing has worked itself into the fabric of every business in the country.  At least every business in the country should be thinking about video production.  Why?  Because video is everywhere!  On your phone, on your ipad, on your computer, on billboards, stadium screens, and the list goes on and on.  With all these venues, video production becomes a more important thing to consider.  To be perfectly frank, anyone can go buy a cheap HD camera and use I-movie or Movie Maker or any one of a slew of other applications to make a video.  Does that mean they are good?  No. Video production is like any other artistic discipline with the mega exception that a video defines your image more than anything else.  Video production should be left in the hands of a professional.  It's fun to do, sure, but if singing was how our business was defined, I wouldn't do it myself.  You can bet I'd get a professional singer.

Crummy video = crummy image.  It's that simple. 
Use a professional video production company.

Here are some examples of our videos:

Blue Dot Media offers video production in the UK.